Friday, September 1, 2017

Words of encouragement from a visitor to Madison

Our Gospel in Context class visited Madison in August. I was asked to write my thoughts for the blog Selfless Ambition. The original post is here:


I’m not an expert on Madison, but I visited your city for four days in August 2017 with as much open openness and honesty I could muster – I’m an introvert, you see, and a rural one at that – and our days were exhausting! It was a great experience and I’m thankful for the hospitality we experienced.
Our seminary – University of Dubuque Theological Seminary in Iowa – sent us, nine Gospel in Context: Urban students and our fearless professor, to practice “exegeting a community.”
We talked to dozens of locals, including city and ministry leaders, people experiencing homelessness, vendors and those in the marketplace, and more. We walked around neighborhoods, visited churches, celebrated worship with five different congregations, and ate at several great restaurants – my favorite was the Weary Traveler Freehouse on Williamson.
When asked if I’d be interested in writing a reflection for Selfless Ambition, I said yes right away, because I appreciate your faith community. Not because you’ve done everything right, but because I sense you’re trying to be honest.
From what we saw and heard, many times over in our few days, a primary issue being experienced by Madison centers around racial disparity. More specifically, I saw a Christian Community reeling from disillusionment around the issues identified in both The Race to Equity Report and Dr. Gee’s Justified Anger editorial and movement.
How can it be that we, progressive, loving Madisonians can be in the midst of the worst racial disparity in the nation? Indeed, how can it be? My mind echoed the same question.
Our group asked questions, both of the many people we met and of one another. How does a community that values, lobbies, and preaches equality, hospitality, and love have segments of population – that’s real people: men, women, and children – that have so little right beside those who have so much?
Certainly this isn’t an issue just for Madison, but thank you, Madison, for taking blinders off and beginning to be honest enough to seek answers.
I don’t have answers, but I have reflections, and thankfully that’s all I’ve been asked to provide.
Big issues don’t scare Jesus
Racial disparity doesn’t have an easy fix. The Why? has many root causes. The Who? are diverse, of course, even within the same ethnicity. The When? has as many origins as the diverse people who have been hurt and those who have gained. You’ve got a start on The What?, with more statistics than we were able to fully wrap our heads around, and I’m sure you’ve already discovered more of the issue without yet coming to its end.
With no easy answer, how does Madison move forward? With Jesus.
Big issues don’t scare Jesus. He touched the unclean and healed the sick, he confronted systems of injustice and reinterpreted the law, he brought back life from death and forgave sin. The sin of all humanity, including that at the heart of racial disparity, and all of its accompanying shame and despair, didn’t scare Jesus on the cross and it doesn’t scare Jesus now. He died living his call in the face of really big problems.
That’s good news, and there’s more: the same Spirit empowers us. Be bold in the power of the Spirit; Madison’s issues don’t scare Jesus.
Be your words; don’t just say them
How does faith influence your life? I mean really, do you live differently because you’re a Christian? In other words, how does what you think theologically align with what you experience, and how does what you say align with what you do?
From our discussions in Madison, I wonder if Madisonians are experiencing misalignment. In a city personified in opposition to the politically conservative occupants of the State House and surrounding rural communities, is it just a given that a relevant urbanite must be progressive? It seems like being progressive is cool, so much so, that sounding progressive comes naturally to Madison’s residents.
Yet aligning voice to action isn’t so natural.
We saw hundreds of people pay a fair price for organic produce at the Dane County Farmers’ Market. I was one of them. Just across the street from the market were several experiencing homelessness, and perhaps hungry. Is organic produce, a part of a healthy life, only for those who can afford it in Madison?
If you say you care about the those experiencing homelessness, does your experience align with what you say? Do you care enough to know the circumstances of any individual experiencing life without a place to sleep, to bathe, to make a call or check email? If you think something doesn’t make sense, or something isn’t right, what do you do about it?
I, for one, found some of my assumptions tested in Madison. I didn’t necessarily like it, but it was good. That’s part of the intention of the class we are taking, of course, to help us interrogate our own theology. When our thoughts don’t line up with what we observe and experience, we need to change our thoughts. When our actions don’t line up, we need to change what we do.
Keep in mind, though, that experience is richest and most honest when it is collective human experience rather than my experience. If you find yourself in an echo chamber of similar thoughts, similar experiences, similar actions, get outside and experience more of God’s beloved creation.
Here’s a warning: it’s hard work! When you leave your own echo chamber – and most people have one, probably even you – you will be vulnerable. Suddenly, everyone doesn’t agree with you. Suddenly, your foolproof logic might come up short. Suddenly, your idea of God may be too small. And when that happens, you will feel exposed.
It’s a lot easier to stay in your protective trenches with your own people who repeat your ideas and share your experiences. When you’re ready to move outside your own comfort zone, I have two suggestions: one for your attitude and then one for your behavior.
First, hold the goal of hearing much higher than the goal of being heard. Listen more than you speak. We’ve all heard that said before, but really we rarely do it because it is hard – ask God for a quiet and longing heart to hear.
Then, an action: truly be lovingly honest. Sadly, the norm in our culture, including in the church, is to dig in with those of like minds. O God, how we need ears to hear others, hearts to love, eyes to see the sacred worth in every person, voices that express what we really feel, and arms that embrace and serve.
How does a community get there? We must take up our true identity.
Your true identity
Madison Christian community, your real identity isn’t a political ideology. It isn’t your radical hospitality, or lack thereof. It isn’t being Sanctuary, or winning the Race to Equity. No, your identity is more. Your identity is Christ’s Church in Madison. You are part of God’s Beloved!
Perhaps you look at yourself and see the ways you’ve failed. You have failed at times; all communities have. But, you’re still the church and God uses you. Live into your true identity. Clothe yourself with Christ.
To be truly vulnerable before one another, first requires being vulnerable before God. You know how to do this: confess, receive forgiveness, and walk in the light of Christ.
No more do you need to wallow in the way you’ve been; live in who you are!
Neither do you need to act like you’re better than you are; be vulnerable, expose your weaknesses, ask for help, listen to ALL the voices – which means seek out voices that are often silent, and continue to move forward!
You’ve already got a great start, because your start began In the Beginning, a long time ago, and your end will be fulfillment.
Continue to be honest with yourselves, Madison Christian community.
Seek the heart of God and do God’s work.
As individuals, cultivate your spiritual lives.
As a diverse group, discern God’s voice.
Be vulnerable and willing to change.
I have great hope for the Madison Christian Community because the Holy Spirit is at work within you. May abundant peace follow abundant grace within your hearts, among your congregations, and throughout the whole Madison community. My prayers are with you.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I am human; so are you

Try as I may, I've been unable to get an image to leave my head. A couple weeks ago during the contentious confirmation hearing of now Education Secretary DeVos, there was an image making rounds on social media of a venn diagram that indicated there is nothing in common among DeVos and educators. While I consider it a responsibility of constituents to voice opinions to representatives, the diagram has deeply troubled my soul. My soul ache isn't simply because of the use of the diagram. It was a witty statement, for sure, and certainly a fitting image for how many educators feel. My soul ache is because of how well the diagram describes the common way people treat one another. How, my friends, have we gotten to a place where we no longer see dignity and worth in our neighbor? Why do we no longer recognize another member of the human race as our sister or brother?

O God, we have gone crazy.
We have forgotten that those we hate are those you love.
We have discarded the idea that every person is created in Your image.
We mock You, thinking surely we know best.

Her idea is absurd.
His opinion is skewed.
We know what is really true...
Or, at least I do.

How long will this go on, O God?
Wake us from this foolish quest for our dreamland.
In a thousand ways we are different.
Remind us of how we are alike.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New year, new semester, new thoughts on ministry

This is really fun reading!
Books for schoolare longer and I don't
 usually have cuddle buddies!
It's the New Year 2017 now, and I'm just back from a little vacation with our family. It was nice to be away and to spend time with family and friends. I haven't written for about a month, so let me update you that I did finish my first semester with all passing grades. I have started reading for my January class and will spend all of next week, Monday through Friday, in Dubuque at school for one "intensive" class. Then I'll have a couple weeks to finish that class at home on my own and second semester will begin. I think I ordered 15 books for the semester, so if you're looking for me, I'll be reading!

The class I'm taking this month is United Methodist Polity. You may guess that it is about the polity of the United Methodist Church. You'd be right! That means I'll learn about the organization and structure of the church and the underlying beliefs that formed this organization led by the Holy Spirit, but also clearly under the influence of people like you and me. For any of you that are associated with the United Methodist Church, you may find it interesting that we are assigned to read the entire Book of Discipline (it's around 800 pages). Because the Book of Disciple covers topics that aren't always interesting in extreme detail, the reading can be dry. However, at times, such as when explaining some things I've wondered about or articulating doctrines, the reading can be interesting and even a little exciting. And, there are little gems all over the place, like this one "Support without accountability promotes moral weakness; accountability without support is a form of cruelty". It was written regarding Social Principles but applies to a lot of situations: parenting, leadership, etc.

One of the things I've thought about a little differently these past couple days as a result of the reading is the idea of ordained ministry. For years, since the beginning of the church, Christians have had a practice of setting apart people for total dedication to the ministry of the church in the world. In some ways, I think of this similarly to how we set apart money in our personal and corporate budgets to support the work of the church. Setting apart money in our budget for the church doesn't mean we can waste all the rest of our money - we are still stewards of it all, and in the same way, setting apart some individuals for full-time ministry doesn't mean the rest of Christians aren't also stewards of God's grace and love for the world. We are all called to ministry.

Many times, when we talk about a person "going into the ministry" we are talking about something that is very personal for that one person - one person gets a call from God and one person responds. However, that understanding isn't the understanding of the United Methodist Church, and it's not my understanding either. True, I do believe God is calling me to prepare and to be set apart for ministry, but it's not something about me as one person. The Book of Discipline says that the greatest contribution the local church makes is identifying and supporting candidates for ordained ministry. The local church, where the hands of Jesus meet the world, is the body that is used to nurture people who will exemplify the Christian life in the world. Through the reading, I've been confirmed in thinking that my being set apart isn't an action that just I'm doing. My local church is setting me apart now, and probably one day the larger church will too. We are all stewards together - sharing Jesus with the world.

Then there's about 799 other pages that begin to scratch the surface of how the UMC works in the world...