Try as I may, I've been unable to get an image to leave my head. A couple weeks ago during the contentious confirmation hearing of now Education Secretary DeVos, there was an image making rounds on social media of a venn diagram that indicated there is nothing in common among DeVos and educators. While I consider it a responsibility of constituents to voice opinions to representatives, the diagram has deeply troubled my soul. My soul ache isn't simply because of the use of the diagram. It was a witty statement, for sure, and certainly a fitting image for how many educators feel. My soul ache is because of how well the diagram describes the common way people treat one another. How, my friends, have we gotten to a place where we no longer see dignity and worth in our neighbor? Why do we no longer recognize another member of the human race as our sister or brother?
O God, we have gone crazy.
We have forgotten that those we hate are those you love.
We have discarded the idea that every person is created in Your image.
We mock You, thinking surely we know best.
Her idea is absurd.
His opinion is skewed.
We know what is really true...
Or, at least I do.
How long will this go on, O God?
Wake us from this foolish quest for our dreamland.
In a thousand ways we are different.
Remind us of how we are alike.